Hey everyone, like the title says, this week, i have been asked by the guild leader if i could gather a healer's set, apperantly we are in dying need of healers in our main raid group, i thought why not what harm could it do.
Oh dear lord what have i done, healing as a monk, is to say the least weird/fun, and still for me un-explored territory, i have been doing heroic dungeons, and gathering gear, and starting to get a hang of it, but sometimes, i still find myself going out of mana really, really fast, apart from that tried a raid finder as a healer, and fun suprise, in aoe trash packs where other healers struggle, i was doing easily between 10 to 20% more healing then them, it was amazing remember the ICC mace called trauma, when it procced and all the screen was filled with green numers, that's what happens.
Guess it can only get better.
On the windwalker side, finalized my inscription details for: Dara Mactire (European Region Only) Battleground Challenge.
Yes i registered in game4glory and will be going to their european side of bg's, let's see how it goes.
Oh dear lord what have i done, healing as a monk, is to say the least weird/fun, and still for me un-explored territory, i have been doing heroic dungeons, and gathering gear, and starting to get a hang of it, but sometimes, i still find myself going out of mana really, really fast, apart from that tried a raid finder as a healer, and fun suprise, in aoe trash packs where other healers struggle, i was doing easily between 10 to 20% more healing then them, it was amazing remember the ICC mace called trauma, when it procced and all the screen was filled with green numers, that's what happens.
Guess it can only get better.
On the windwalker side, finalized my inscription details for: Dara Mactire (European Region Only) Battleground Challenge.
Yes i registered in game4glory and will be going to their european side of bg's, let's see how it goes.