Arenas and all that jazz

Monk rogue arena team versus

Hey everyone just a small rant of what happened to me yesterday and the feeling that i left arenas with, even if it's only 2v2, and how the community (on my server) views windwalker monks.

After doing some arenas with me team partner (a rogue), we have played  around 40 matches, and are just around the 51% win ratio.

What i feel is that we put twice the work in cc's and coordination for half the reward in the result. I'm not complaining, i love a class that has alot of options but it feels that most classes can just go herp derp, go balls in dps mode and still come on top, simply by stacking cd's and just do damage instead of having a clean kill. Just my thoughts on that.

On the other matter, how dps monks are viewed in the wow community, only a handfull of people are willing to take us to RBG's (pug RBG's that is) the first thing they wisper me when i tell them my stats is, if i have healing gear, and that i shouldnt bother asking to go with windwalker monk because i lack the damage to pull my weight on a RBG, luckly a few people would like me to play with them for the fact that monks in a RBG can shut down healers for a huge amount of time, i hope this comes out to the general public and people consider monks a more viable option these days, for those RBG spots that are left for random classes.

How people in your server view your monk for arenas/RBG's, do they consider you a good addition to the roster, or just a class not worth taking?
