So it is that time of that game where we want to do content.
For now, I will focus on raiding stats rotations/priorities of your abilities.
With this in mind, let's get on to it.
So you want to go Windwalker Monk for raiding, well let us cover the generic talents for raiding Uldir at this point, and move on to the rotation/priority list of abilities when actually doing damage.
-- One thing that I can't stress enough --, dead DPS do no damage.
With that in mind always remember tunnel vision is something that can easily happen, but you will be more useful to your raiding team if you avoid/ follow the fight mechanics and don't stand "on fire".
General Talents for Raid.
I will just focus on raiding talents on a hole, later on, other posts I will break it down for each individual boss, and what is better to use in each of them and why.
Pretty straightforward choices here, Chi Wave for single target, Chi Burst for AoE scenarios.
In this tier that revolves around movement, the choice depends on your preference and on the requirements of the encounter.
Fist of the White Tiger is the strongest choice in this row for all situations.
If your raid team needs CC options, pick either Tiger Tail Sweep or Ring of Peace, but if you are there just for the damaged and there is no need for extra utility, only Good Karma affects your performance, therefore it is your default pick in this row. However, the utility provided by the other two will occasionally be worth much more than the slight damage and survivability boost.
Nothing here will improve your performance as a damage dealer, and unless you know specifically where you can use either Diffuse Magic or Dampen Harm, you are better of using Inner Strength until you can safely say what you need and in what fight.
Like all situations, the best use of Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger is for single target focused content and Rushing Jade Wind for AoE usage.
The best practice for the utilization of Rushing Jade Wind is to activate it just a bit before multiple targets appear, also there is no benefit from using it for single target.
Serenity and Whirling Dragon Punch are the most significant talents game wise that affect directly the way you deal damage. Currently, both are very close in value for single target but there are some niche fights where one can shine over the other
Always bear in Mind that this is an overall view on Raid talents and some fights demand certain talents if you want the be as effective as possible (which you should).