Holyday season is around the corner, and even closer is patch 8.1. Lets havea look at it and what it brings for the Windwalker spec.
Our Spec is seeing some changes.

Effect #1 Apply Aura: Modifies Damage/Healing Done:
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Modifies Periodic Damage/Healing Done:
Basically a 6% buff to all our damaging abilities across the board.

Inflict mortal damage on an enemy, causing the target to take damage equal to
So now ToD will do less 15% damage it use to plain nerf, but they are trying to steer us away of our dependency on this ability for the big number, on the other hand remember that all our damaging abilities have recieved a buff, meaning those 8 seconds will add more damage.

This is the big one everyone is talking about. In action it works almost the same, but in theory it is really different, now you have an absorb bubble for all damage you take (50% of your max HP) that means you have a 50k shield if you have 100k hp, this is big both in pve and pvp as it means that if your target dies you will still have that bubble for the full 10sec, still a minor buff to it as now the reflect damage will be 5% less than it used to be.
In conclusion as a spec, windwalkers are gaining a buff on constant dps and a minor nerf to ToD damage but gaining on the extra damage that goes on top of it and a minor nerf in reflected damage for ToK, but big utility for this ability.