Levels 11 to 20
For this tier, you'll still have lots of baseline abilities to get. At level 14, you'll receive Provoke, which is the monk's taunt ability. Even though all specs receive it, you'll likely only use this in desperate situations as a non-brewmaster, since the increased speed the enemy receives makes "taunt kiting" very difficult. Then at 15, you'll have your first talent choice, all of which involve movement in some way. For leveling, my personal preference is Momentum to shorten walk times, but Celerity is good as well.
Next up are two utility spells, Resuscitate and Detox. Resuscitate allows you to bring dead players back to life when out of combat (always handy), and Detox allows you to remove harmful poison and disease effects from yourself or other players. (A mistweaver Detox will also remove magical effects.) With the new 8-second cooldown on all dispels across the board, it's very likely that windwalkers and brewmasters will be pressed into service for dispel-heavy encounters, but you won't have to worry about that while leveling.
While most of the abilities you receive early on are baseline, there are several windwalker exclusives as well. At level 18, you get Flying Serpent Kick, which is quite possibly my most favorite ability in the entire game. Click the button, and you go zooming off at epic flying mount speed. Click it again, and you land with a great animation, doing a little damage as well. (True story: I was competing with a couple other players in Valley of the Four Winds for quest mob spawns when one spawned off in the distance. They started mounting up; I hit Flying Serpent Kick. Five seconds later, they'd barely covered half the distance on their ground mounts and I was already launching into my Fists of Fury.)
At level 20, you get a really sweet teleport called Zen Pilgrimage. This ability teleports you to the Peak of Serenity in Pandaria, an area that has class trainers, profession trainers, and a new class quest every 10 levels. It's like a death knight's Death Gate -- but livelier. You'll also pick up Combat Conditioning, another windwalker exclusive that causes your Blackout Kick to do extra damage or healing, depending on your orientation. (It can be glyphed to just have the extra damage, if you prefer.) Oh, and don't forget to get your mount!