Hey everyone!!!
Today i will talk to you about Monks in RBG's
Yes that thing that you are either healer or the groups look at you somewhat worried that they will have to carry you.
What i am saying is that, the niche for Windwalker's (DPS) and even Brewmaster's (Tank/Flag carrier), is somewhat viewed with less then perfect spot filler.
Apart from all the Squishiness Brewmaster Monk's have, they can take quite a beating, if played properly, and better they can avoid such damage with spell like transcendance (teleport just like the lock's)
Today i will talk to you about Monks in RBG's
Yes that thing that you are either healer or the groups look at you somewhat worried that they will have to carry you.
What i am saying is that, the niche for Windwalker's (DPS) and even Brewmaster's (Tank/Flag carrier), is somewhat viewed with less then perfect spot filler.

But what i am really looking forward is for that ability that will make us have a huge synergy with the other so called must have classes, that are rogue, mage, and moonkin.
The rogue for their smokebomb, the mage for their Ring of Frost, and the Moonkin for their solar beam. These abilities make killing targets that are caught in that area, a real fish in a barrel shooting, no where to run unless you want to be frozen, you can heal because ure silenced and you can't be healed because ure in a smokebomb.
With the monk, this will add insult to the injury, and i am talking about this combo of abilities.
Get a deathknight to engadge in the middle, then from this point is where you will start to set things up, have the DK grip a healer, Ring of Frost around the DK, have the rogue drop a Smokebomb, right after the healer is being gripped to avoid enemies priests lifegrips, and have a solar beam to silence any casters in that group, what the new monk ability does (it's called ring of peace (the image is still a placeholder) and what it does is silence and disarm players in that circle, so after the solar beam end's the monk puts his ring of peace, to avoid the targets own defensive CD's, this is still in PTR form only but it is something to look forward also.
That was the offensive part, the defensive well, lets face it, a silence and a disarm for 8 seconds on the enemies attacking your flag carried is huge, it will be a valuable defensive cooldown that will negate most of the damage from players in a 8yard radius.