We are clearly approaching to a final version of the PTR, and at this point i feel more comfortable talking about the changes that are going to happen (oh god, it will be a long post, but informative noone the less), also i will try to make it as clear as i can.
(Page-break below so this post isn't ultra big size on the main page of the blog)
General Monk Changes
New Level-60 Talent: Ring of Peace
- Ring of Peace forms an 8 yard sanctuary around a friendly target for 8 seconds, disabling enemy player auto-attacks in PvP, and causing all enemies (both players and NPCs) in the area of effect to be disarmed for the duration. In addition, enemies that cast a damaging spell while within the area of effect will be silenced for 3 seconds. The ability has a 45-second cooldown.
A need utility in my opinion, specially for pvp,and pve (if NPCs can be silenced), has been called Overpowered by the comunity, when it could be casted on an enemy target, but was brought down by only being able to be casted on a party player.
New Windwalker and Brewmaster ability added at level 30: Nimble Brew
- Nimble Brew removes all stun, fear, and root effects, and reduces the duration of those effects if they are reapplied by 60% for 6 seconds. It has a 2-minute cooldown.

SOOOOooo needed in PVP, but don't know how fair it is considering it is another trinket, Nimble brew came because of how fragile the BrewMaster Monks (Tank) are, when they are stunned or fear, i love it, but i believe it will be hotfixed in someway, once the arenas start again, and we see monks climbing the ladder.
- Chi Wave now does 100% more damage and 14% less healing, and no longer costs Chi, and has a 15-second cooldown.
Love the Chi cost removal, so now we can use our chi for our main damaging abilities, 100% more dmg (yes please), the 14% less healing i can leave with it, just think a 15 sec cooldown is 3 seconds too long, but oh well, i like this change.
Zen Sphere
- Zen Sphere now has a limit of 2 (was 1), detonates when either the recipient reaches 35% health or the Zen Sphere is dispelled, no longer costs Chi, and has a 10-second cooldown. Its periodic damage has been increased by 22%, periodic healing has been reduced by 61%, its detonation healing has been reduced by 62%, and detonation range has been increased by 40%.
Interesting changes, but don't know if it will trump the king of lvl30 talents Chi wave, will test it and see.
Very situational, only shows its valour if the raid is stacked, might be worth to try now that they increased by alot it's healing.
Removed because it is baseline for all monks now.
Path of Blossoms
This was expected, has it wasn't used much, i actually liked it because you could make a circle of these "landmines" and the damage they did when stacked, would really add up, but still not much use was given to it.
- Paralysis is now a physical, non-magical effect, can no longer be dispelled, grounded or reflected, and its base range has been increased to 20 yards. The paralysis effect lasts 40 seconds (was 30 seconds) for non-player targets, 4 seconds when used against other players, and lasts 50% (was 200%) longer when used from behind a target.
The new cyclone CC, 20y range (awesome) still has the positional requirement, but most monks have gotten used to it now, they lowered the stun time, to avoid the huge stun-chains of it, got changed for the better in my opinion.
Spear-Hand Strike
- Spear-Hand Strike, used on a target that's facing the Monk silences them for 2 seconds (was 4 seconds).
This is a change that i really don't like those 2 extra second they took, were somewhat necessary, i would agree with a reduction to 3 seconds, but a 50%, was a bit overdone.
Tiger's Lust
- Tiger's Lust no longer have a Chi cost.
- Tiger's Lust can no longer be used on targets that have other temporary speed increases active.
Quality of life improvement, and like Chi-Wave, we can focus our Chi on damaging abilites.
Like Tiger's Lust a quality of life improvement, and like Chi-Wave, we can focus our Chi on damaging abilites.
I have seen some people using this ability, somewhat of a skill shot, and the lower cooldown is always welcome, but this ability is somewhat slow, and can be easily dodged, also it's competing with Ring of peace and Leg Sweep, So most of us don't consider it worth to use in comparison to the others.
Dampen Harm
- Dampen Harm can now be used while stunned, and its cooldown will now begin when used, not when the effect ends.
This is huge and was asked right from the start of the Season12, because of the amount of damaged that monks recieved while in a stun, mostly agaisnt melees.
A nice buff to this ability, but i would still like a lower cooldown on this , 15sec feels too long sometimes.
More damage is good, so it's a buff (it's something right) also Chi Torpedo replaces roll and it feels like it makes you travel further than roll, so for carrying the flag this is good, but i ain't ready to say goodbye to my tiger on steroids Xuen (this because the damage the tiger outputs with damage cooldowns up, is bigger then the damage chi torpedo delivers).
From 10 seconds to 1minute, great quality of life improvement. I like. Specially for those fights where you put your portal and 3 healing spheres over it.
WindWalker changes:
Storm, Earth and Fire
- New Level-75 Ability: Storm, Earth and Fire
- The Windwalker can summon up to 2 elemental duplicates that mirror damaging abilities that the Monk uses while they are active. For each spirit summoned, the Monk's damage is reduced: 1 spirit causes the Monk and the spirit to deal 60% of the Monk's normal damage, while 2 spirits will cause the Monk and both active spirits to deal 45% of the Monk's normal damage. Each spirit lasts until the ability is canceled, that spirit's target dies or otherwise becomes unavailable, or they're killed (they can be targeted and have 10% of the Monk's health).
- When using Fist of Fury, the stun effect will only apply from the Monk (not the spirits).

New Ability, to adress the monk cleave damage problem with 2 or 3 adds (more than that, just Rising Sun Kick, and Spinning Crane Kick), besides the visual for this spell look good (see here Storm, Earth and Fire).
Im just sad they won't allow the exploit of the 3 Fist of Fury, it would have been awesome,with a stacked up enemy group in a battleground you could basically stun the hole group.
Spinning Fire Blossom's
- Spinning Fire Blossoms’ damage has been adjusted to scale from weapon damage rather than attack power.
Aperantly this was needed has in PTR's people were taking 80k crits from these, because of the attack power stack that monks have (Damn i was hoping to be the next Flower Thrower (i mean, aaaah nevermind =) )
Combo Breaker
- Combo Breaker is now a passive ability granted at level 15 that grants a 12% chance to make the Monk's next Blackout Kick or Tiger Palm cost no Chi.
This is very good (not because of the spell (mastery itself but for what it is replacing it, which is a new mastery called Bottled Fury).
Combo Breaker
- New Mastery: Bottled Fury
- Bottled Fury increases the damage bonus provided by Tigereye Brew by .2% per Mastery per stack.

New Mastery YEY!!!, this will give us the burst we need on demand, and might make mastery somewhat more appealing.
- Brewing: Tigereye Brew now gains 1 charge after spending 3 Chi (was 4 Chi), increases damage by 1% per stack (was 2%), can stack to 20 but only 10 charges can be consumed per activation, and a user interface alert displays upon reaching 10 charges. Stacks of Tigereye Brew are cleared at the start of a raid encounter. This ability is improved by Bottled Fury.
Now, our new mastery has a huge sinergy with our Brewing: Tigereye Brew, good things will come it is all i can say.
Hope this is a clear and easy to read, of the changes that are to come. If you have any questions or comments just write them on the comments below, i am "almost" 24/7 with the blog under my sight, and will respond quickly (so to speak).
Have fun above all.