Heroic modes Tips and tricks For NORUSHEN HC.
Specific talents for this fight:
Fight breakdown:
On this fight i have been assigned on the first group to go down to kill the adds, normally (and it is good practice to coordinate with your group, who kills the big adds first and last) normally I go for a middle strategy, putting 2 clones on the small adds, and killing the third myself, finishing all the small adds first and then rush the big one (dodging his AoE all the time).
When you get back on the normal realm, I nuke the boss plain and simple, only to stop when there are small adds near the melees, the ones further away are for the ranged to target.
At this point there isn't much to do then dps on the boss, and dps on the adds (ofc avoid the beam, and avoid the big adds, mages nowadays tend to freeze them in place, just for fun DAMN YOU MAGES).
Also, use Karma when the raid is stacked. This helps healers out tremendously. Stoneskin is used based off of when you think it's needed. Zen meditation would also be recommended during the stack.