Lets kick this of then shall we.

Focusing gear picks and taking into account the Monk stat priorities:
  1. Weapon Damage;
  2. Agility;
  3. Versatility;
  4. Mastery;
  5. Critical Strike;
  6. Haste.
The weapon choice, besides the Damage, the poison stacking during a raid boss fight, will shine over time.
SourceSlotAverage Item Level: 340.00
LocalHeadCowl of Fluid Machinations
ilevel: 345, stats: { 195 Armor, +430 AgiInt, +735 Sta }
azerite powers: { Open Palm StrikesHeed My CallAzerite Empowered }
LocalNeckHeart of Azeroth
ilevel: 347, stats: { +209 Haste, +209 Crit, +209 Mastery, +209 Sta, +130 StrAgiInt }
LocalShouldersBlood Bog Shoulderpads
ilevel: 325, stats: { 160 Armor, +268 AgiInt, +446 Sta }
azerite powers: { Open Palm StrikesOn My WayAzerite Empowered }
LocalChestTidebound Chestguard
ilevel: 325, stats: { 214 Armor, +357 AgiInt, +594 Sta }
azerite powers: { Tidal SurgeGutripperAzerite Empowered }
LocalWaistCincture of the Azerite Arsenal
ilevel: 340, stats: { 131 Armor, +162 AgiInt, +258 Sta, +88 Vers, +62 Crit }
LocalLegsLeggings of the Galeforce Viper
ilevel: 340, stats: { 204 Armor, +216 AgiInt, +344 Sta, +108 Mastery, +92 Vers }
LocalFeetBesieger's Deckstalkers
ilevel: 340, stats: { 160 Armor, +162 AgiInt, +258 Sta, +95 Vers, +55 Crit }
LocalWristsVenerated Raptorhide Bindings
ilevel: 340, stats: { 102 Armor, +121 AgiInt, +193 Sta, +66 Vers, +46 Crit }
LocalHandsSharkhide Grips
ilevel: 340, stats: { 146 Armor, +162 AgiInt, +258 Sta, +95 Mastery, +55 Vers }
LocalFinger1Lord Waycrest's Signet
ilevel: 340, stats: { +193 Sta, +227 Crit, +125 Vers }, enchant: { +37 Vers }
LocalFinger2Overseer's Lost Seal
ilevel: 340, stats: { +193 Sta, +236 Vers, +116 Mastery }, enchant: { +37 Vers }
LocalTrinket1Darkmoon Deck: Fathoms
ilevel: 355, stats: { +236 StrAgi }
LocalTrinket2Lustrous Golden Plumage
ilevel: 340, stats: { +205 Agi }
LocalBackSporecaller's Shroud
ilevel: 340, stats: { 69 Armor, +121 StrAgiInt, +193 Sta, +63 Vers, +48 Crit }
LocalMain HandBile-Stained Crawg Tusks
ilevel: 340, weapon: { 263 - 376, 2.6 }, stats: { +108 Agi, +172 Sta }, enchant: deadly_navigation
LocalOff HandBile-Stained Crawg Tusks
ilevel: 340, weapon: { 263 - 376, 2.6 }, stats: { +108 Agi, +172 Sta }, enchant: versatile_navigation
