Hello there small amount of Monk players that play WindWalker specifically.
Welcome to Part 1 of Battle of Dazar'alor for Windwalker Monks
I swear we are less and less every time, myself included, as I favoured my warlock for the raid tier rather than my monk due to the fact that, windwalker monks specifically go from good damage output to weird clunky middle-bottom of the pack so many times, and with its abilities being shifted around and play style in its core stays the same, but that is another post.
Today lets talk about Battle of Dazar’alor and what I felt as a Windwalker Monk for the first 3 bosses.
Tomorrow we will tackle the others.

This is always a true rush boss, with some though given to cleave/interrupt adds from everyone (specially at this point in their progression, gear and experience), I believe the Windwalker here can do a bit better than in some other bosses due to the fact of Earth Wind, Fire ability (really dislike how the ability evolved to what it is now).
Apart from that this is a pretty much tank and spank fight with a few nuances, so yeah top middle of the pack for this one, with some dps padding if you really want it (tanks might not like you)

This one can be summarised in mobility to kill adds and get back to boss is really nice when your competing for dps with other melees, and touch of karma has a lot of good usage here, with the boss doing several aoe dmg that can be redirected to him (not as strong as it used to be, but hey, I take all take all the damage input that I can).
Overall this fight is just a normal fight that depending your raid comp, as a melee you can even ignore the adds (specially in normal mode) and just dps the boss. Top middle of the pack here aswell.

This is the fight that I feel the Windwalker could show its potential, the two bosses are most of the time side by side so cleave with your abilities is very possible, from Fists of fury, Whirling Dragon Punch, Xuen also cleaves and Storm Earth and Fire shine here.
Wondering if it would be worth it using Rushing jade wind here.
There are a lot of good windows to use your teleport specially when you need to get to the orbs.
This would be one of those fights that you could see Windwalker monk on the top 5 dps.
What are your thoughts for the Windwalker on these first bosses, do you cheese it in any way?? Give us your opinions and concerns.