Hey there guys lets continue our Windwalker analysis over the bosses for Battle of Dazar’alor, today I bring you the next 3 bosses starting with Opulence then the Conclave and King Rastakan.
As I previously told you, I have been doing these fights as a ranged dps, that has helped me in having a fight arena perspective that I wouldn’t have if I had only done these fights in melee, but no-one the less normal mode isn’t hard and can easily be done with basic knowledge of the fights, but we are looking for the shenanigans right, the ways to cheese more damage, and to try and get to the top of the meters, so lets have a look at it.

Let’s split this fight into 2 parts, the first one where we go around the room with his constructs, and the boss fight itself in the money pit.
1st Part: As a monk you won’t have any issues with this part and the only dps loss you might have is if you get targeted by the beams and you have to move away from the boss. Apart from using Touch of karma to re-direct damage from flames, fire on the floor not much can be done to add that extra 1k of damage outside your rotation, abilities and cooldowns.
2nd Part: Things you can do here that will improve your up time, place teleport where the group stacks or where you are going to leave the liquid gold pool on the edges of the room, just so you can either move at the last second or get back in melee range ASAP. Regarding the fight itself not much going on, either using Touch of Karma on coin Shower for the extra dmg, and saving Storm Earth and fire for the adds, so that you can maximise the AOE potential.

This is an hectic fight with a-lot going on at all times. Besides single target on the designated target, Storm Earth and Fire should be used on raptors feel it is where the raid gains the most of it, and if they get together the cleave just makes it worth, and Touch of Karma I feel that for damage output you can take advantage of the Pa’ku winds.

The first adds and the are they do at random player is a good time to use both karma and all cleave possibilities, this fight apart from specifics times and placement of teleport is just a regular nuke adds early and deal with them, after that is pretty much single target on Rastakan, until you go down to death realm use touch of karma to mitigate and deal damage, and come back up finishing any adds with cleave if you have any left.
There you have it, 3 more bosses and a quick analysis.
How you guys do / cheese these bosses leave your comments below.
Cya next time.