So let's tackle something that has been plaguing the Monk community, and the Windwalker spec, for some time now.
Why is Windwalker Monk so underpresented in high M+? Not to mistake with with the Windwalker representation on the M+ scenario.
For this, let's have a look at where the Windwalker stands in the Mythic Dungeon Scenario.
So looking at this we are above feral druids, affliction warlocks, arcane and fire mages, enhancement shamans, frost and unholy dk's, sub rogues, Surv and MM hunters and arm warriors.
that means we show above 11 other dps specs. (24 dps specs overall), that in terms of representation puts us right in the middle of the pack, which is not bad considering that Monk is one of the least played classes, and evenfurther more the spec of Windwalker.
But our question was about high M+, so lets consider M10 and above for this matter.
We are stiil at number 12 in terms of specs numbers (out of 24 dps specs), but because the players that play Monk are fewer it is understandable that we are not on everyones radar.
Specially because Windwalkers are usefull, we bring decent utility and great cleave damage, as well as good single target damage.
Are there other classes that do this better than us, as of right now, yes there are but that doesn't mean it isn't worth taking a Windwalker.
so T.L.D.R - Windwalkers are viable for M10 and above, are they the best, no but they hold their ground.
On part 2 we will talk about community perception and what the Windwalker brings to the table in more detail.
What you guys think of the current mythic scenario, do windwalkers need buffs or other classes need nerfs? Comment bellow.