Today I bring you something different from the bosses fights, while doing some content, LFR Dungeons etc etc, even though I can keep up with most Damage Dealers numbers.
I want to have that huge start and maximise those initial 5/10 seconds of a fight that consists mostly in stand and DPS until the boss abilities and mechanics start hitting. This method has been netting me around from 28k to 32k burst at a start of a fight, bear in mind that I only have 350ilvl gear and not all pieces tailored for Windwalker
With this in mind I started thinking, when the monk class came out I had a post about this for patch 5.4. (post link), how have things changed?
So lets break this down then, a few things have changed since that time.

These things played somewhat of an important role in the initial rotation for patch 5.4, but things change and we need to adapt.
Let’s take a look at that now.
Right now I’m not looking at azerite traits due to the fact that they are changing in the near future and the WW monk highest dmg trait is being reworked, with that said lets look into it.
First things first. When your tanks are pulling you want to consider.

As an orc, the racial ability pairs perfectly with invoke Xuen talent, and being an orc makes my pet deal 1% more than other races (not much but we take everything we can.
So for me it makes sense macro’inging those two abilities together.

(By the time you are finishing FoF, your touch of death should be coming to an end and while you are still high on damage with all this going on, that ToD tick will put you above the rest, to which you tie nicely with WDP, if you can add it before ToD expires that extra dmg will be added due to it’s mechanic of +10% dmg of 8 second duration)

and from here you continue your normal priority rotation.
If you can pair this up with some nasty shenanigans using Touch of Karma (good karma talented would increase the overall dmg), you can really push the meters.

At this point I can only remember the MOTHER fight, where the explosion beneath your feet happens on early fight.
How do you guys start your boss pulls?