WindWalker Tips and Tricks TALOC / ULDIR - Patch 8.0

Lets kick things off with Uldir raid, and start with the Windwalker tips and tricks for the Talox fight. The fight itself isn't really demanding, but we as windwalker monks want to dish out most possible damage and do our job regarding what the fight demands.

Suggested Talents for Windwalker Monk on Taloc

Relevant Talents for this boss:


Windwalker Playstyle on Taloc

To best deal with Taloc's main ability, Plasma Discharge Icon Plasma Discharge, is to keep refreshing Transcendence Icon Transcendence near the boss. 

The reason for that is, if you get target  by it there is no need to drop the pools quickly, as you have plenty of time to run out of the raid. 

Also in a raid environment where everyone is minding their own business it is fairly easy for another player to blank your Transcendence by dropping a pool on top of it.

Another really good use for  Transcendence Icon Transcendence is that it will also allow you to instantly cancel the knockback from Sanguine Static Icon Sanguine Static

You should still make sure you are well positioned and will not hit anyone else with the knockback if it targets you, however instantly canceling this effect will maximize your boss uptime.

At 60% health, Taloc goes immune. Make sure not to waste any large DPS cooldown right at this moment.

On elevator phase, whenever possible stun adds, as they will re-target someone else, but always make sure one of the tanks is between you and the targetting adds.

However, as soon as Coalesced Bloods spawn, you must focus heavily on taking them down before the final phase starts.

When Taloc reaches 35% Health, he will take 99% reduced damage and begin the Transition Phase. This lasts about 90 seconds, so plan cooldowns accordingly.

Your Raid Positioning

Drop Blood Storm Icon Blood Storm on the raid assigned spot and have the raid spread loosely near that area as these should be dropped as closely as possible.

When Taloc begins casting Cudgel of Gore Icon Cudgel of Gore, the active tank will run to the Blood Storm Icon Blood Storm pile, while you will runs away from it.

During the Transition Phase, the ranged should be positioned near the edge of the platform in order to call/mark safe spots for the melee and tanks.

At the bottom of the elevator you should be loosely spread, and drop  Blood Storm Icon Blood Storm near the edges of the room, while the tank slowly shifts the raid clockwise or counterclockwise.
