Brewmaster Tips and Tricks Fetid Devourer / ULDIR - Patch 8.0


Suggested Talents for Mistweaver Monk on Fetid


Mistweaver Playstyle on Fetid

Fetid Devourer has 2 entirely different tank roles: one tank will take standard boss melee attacks, and the other will take a giant hit, Terrible Thrash Icon Terrible Thrash, every 6 seconds.

Brewmasters can do either tanking role well. Ideally you will be the "main" tank, taking boss melees instead of the "off" tank taking the Terrible Thrash Icon Terrible Thrash.
If you are in a position where you will be the Terrible Thrash Icon Terrible Thrash tank, you can consider using Guard Icon Guard instead of High Tolerance Icon High Tolerance to greatly mitigate the stagger damage from one hit — you should use it when you are a little lower than normal to allow healers to catch up.

Choosing between Bob and Weave Icon Bob and Weave and Dampen Harm Icon Dampen Harm is tougher than it initially seems. 

Having a cooldown that covers 2 thrashes is great when you fall behind, but Bob and Weave will reduce the stagger ticks you are taking, making you significantly easier to heal up between each thrash — so that you do not fall behind. 

Your choice of talents will depend on what you and your healers find more comfortable.

Regardless, you should maintain 100% Ironskin Brew Icon Ironskin Brew uptime and use Purifying Brew Icon Purifying Brew immediately after as many thrashes as possible. Never purify twice in a row, as your second purify will have a massively diminished value compared to using it after a thrash. 

This is a fight where you may consider gearing for more Haste, probably by using trinkets that give both Haste and Agility.

On Heroic difficulty, the boss will cast Shockwave Stomp Icon Shockwave Stomp every 30 seconds. 

Ideally you will be able to position yourself next to a wall to avoid the heavy knockback from this ability, as Transcendence: Transfer Icon Transcendence: Transfer is not up for every cast.
Boss positioning is dependent on your raid. 

If you choose to move the boss to Corruption Corpsucles, be careful to be on top of your co-tank when Terrible Thrash Icon Terrible Thrash is coming.

