1st Update !!!

So Mist of Pandaria hit our homes yesterday night, i have been leveling my Monk Spyker, as fast as a i can, with the interruptions of sleep, IRL job and other situations (bah they don't let us play games all the time now). Anyway just an update on how Spyker is leveling up, hope that by before the weekend im level 85 at least.

About the windwalker spec, well to me so far it seems extremelly fluid, i have to say it suits my playstyle, also about the other monks i have seen around i noticed something that bothers me, i have been using zen sphere in dungeons because, well it deals damage and if it is passive damage and helps me kill mobs then why not use it.
I know that at low level stuff takes too hits and dies, but in dungeons everyone is pulling huge packs of mobs more then they should sometimes, and i have prevented a few wipes with my zen sphere up and cooldown usage of Expel harm.

Spyker windwalker monk
How is your monk comming along, have you encountered other situations like this?
